Blurred Vision: Causes And Treatment Options

You have problems reading or see the letters moving on the screen or in the book?

Blurred vision: causes and treatment options

Do you have blurred vision (especially faces), have problems reading or see the letters moving on the screen or in the book? This article will teach you more about blurred vision and how it can be treated.

You should definitely see a good specialist!

Causes of blurred vision

Below is a list of possible causes of blurred vision and the most common symptoms:

Astigmatism and myopia

Astigmatism (curvature of the cornea) causes a loss of visual acuity. Nearsightedness or myopia means that objects further away are blurred and the field of view is distorted.


People over 60 are more likely to suffer from this eye disease.

This leads to a clouding of the cornea, blurred vision, light sensitivity, a halo, double images, blurred vision, loss of color contrast, glare symptoms and a reduced light-dark adaptation.



Blurred vision can indicate an unbalanced sugar balance. In the case of diabetes, this must be specifically taken into account,  as serious visual problems can arise. In extreme cases, the patient can go blind.

Grave’s disease

Weight loss and increased appetite, an accelerated heart rhythm, high blood pressure, tremors, and blurred vision are common symptoms of this thyroid disease.

multiple sclerosis

This neurodegenerative disease results in numerous vision problems, including blurred vision. It can also make it impossible to control the bladder properly. In addition, there are changes in sensitivity and numerous other symptoms.


If the blood sugar levels suddenly drop sharply, this can also lead to loss of visual acuity. Other visual disturbances, double vision, confusion, convulsions, loss of consciousness, feelings of fear, palpitations and instability can be the result.



When the head aches from muscle or neuronal discomfort, blurred vision is also common. Other symptoms include dizziness, sensitivity to light, eye pain, and vomiting. These signs can also occur with a headache.

Elevated blood pressure and glaucoma

Both high blood pressure and glaucoma (glaucoma) can cause visual disturbances. Sometimes there are also symptoms such as fainting, partial or complete loss of vision, tachycardia, etc.

How can you prevent blurred vision?

If these symptoms occur frequently, you definitely need to get a medical examination. If this is only an isolated case, you can consider the following tips:

Reduce stress

This will help lower blood pressure and reduce nervousness. Elevated blood pressure levels are a big enemy of the eyes, which wear out as a result. If the eye pressure is also increased, it is advisable to take everything calmly and avoid stress.

Try to manage anger and feelings of fear to  control the problem.

burning eyes

Relax your eyes

Working in front of the screen for a long time can lead to eye fatigue and loss of visual acuity. Without standing up, close your eyes for five minutes.

Another option is to slowly remove your index finger from your face while standing and fix your gaze on it. Then do the same exercise left and right as if the index finger were a pendulum.

Only the eyes are moved while the head stands still.


Consciously fixate on an object and then try to  dissolve the contours and then focus on the object again. Another reason for blurred vision is that the eye is no longer able to focus sharply due to the numerous daily stimuli.

Watch your diet

You know for sure how important a sufficient supply of fluids is for the organism – this also applies to the eyes. Plus, water also helps clear out pollutants that can harm the liver. This organ is directly related to the eyes.

If your vision is blurred or your eyes are blurred, try to eat without fat and fried foods as much as possible.

Drink a boldo tea every day and eat cleansing foods, preferably steamed or only lightly cooked (especially broccoli, spinach, and chard) and whole grain rice. Avoid fatty foods, meat and dairy products.

In addition, you should take more vitamins A and C. These vitamins can be found in citrus fruits, carrots, papayas and broccoli, for example.

Healthy lifestyle

Set the letter size on the screen larger so as not to overwhelm your eyes while reading.

Make sure you have good light when reading (natural light is better than artificial light), observe a minimum distance of one meter from the TV and wear relaxing glasses at work or when you come home.

It is also a good idea to spend time in the great outdoors, in the country or on the beach. This allows you to relax your eyes and expand your field of view. As in a panoramic photo, the eyes need space to relax.

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