Frequent Self-lies With Which You Harm Yourself And Others

White lies are accepted in society, but those who constantly lie to themselves can also cause a lot of damage. Today’s article is about common self-lies that are used to fool yourself and talk into the wrong world.

Frequent self-lies that you use to harm yourself and others

White lies are accepted in society, but those who constantly lie to themselves can also do a lot of damage. Today’s article is about common  self-lies that are used to fool yourself and talk into the wrong world. Then learn more about this topic, because self-deception can have unpleasant negative consequences.

1. Self-lies: Tomorrow is still another day

Everyday lies are harmful

Small everyday lies don’t seem to be serious, but if you fool yourself into having a lot of time and therefore often postpone things until the next day, it doesn’t do any good. You probably know that and have already convinced yourself: “Tomorrow is another day”, “Tomorrow I will stop”, “Tomorrow I will take my time for it” …

You are lying to yourself and that takes a lot more energy than doing certain things right away. Because when the new day comes, you keep using the same excuse. There is also a technical term for this: procrastination. But why do we so often postpone (un) important things to the next day?

If you want to quit smoking, quit today! If you want to exercise your body, start today. Do you need more time for yourself? Enjoy a few free minutes today! Set short-term goals that you can achieve without long procrastination!

2. Self-lies: I would never have thought that!

Everyday lies make you blind

Do you close your eyes so as not to see things around you? This self-lie also harms you and your fellow human beings in the long term. If you can’t handle a situation, simply looking away will not resolve it. Your son is depressed and you don’t know what to do? Your girlfriend is being abused in their relationship and you just close your eyes because you don’t know how to help?

Looking away is not a solution. If you don’t know a way out yourself, you should get professional help. Because you are not doing yourself or your fellow human beings any good if you simply close your eyes. Even if it sometimes seems easier not to see certain things, this can have very serious consequences.

You may not want to leave your comfort zone, but  you need to be aware that you need to take active action now to solve the problem! 

3. Self-lies: You ruined my day!

Shifting guilt on to others can be a harmful lie - self-lies

Even if you constantly project your own problems onto others, they are harmful self-lies. In an argument you claim that this ruined and failed the whole day. You are responsible for your own emotions!

Only you decide whether you feel bad or bitter, you shouldn’t pass this responsibility on to others. Think about how you can react differently in certain situations and don’t let the whole day spoil you! Try to stay calm and resolve difficult situations sensibly. Of course, conflicts and problems cannot always be avoided, but it is entirely up to you how you approach them. 

4. Life is like a dream

False optimism is one of the harmful lies - self-lies

False optimism is also a self-lie, because you seem to be wearing a mask to protect yourself from reality. To be optimistic does not mean to be blind to the negative! We cannot prevent terrible things from happening in our world, nor is it possible to always be happy and cheerful.

That would be a self-lie that keeps you in an unrealistic bubble and does not let you see what is actually happening. A positive attitude is very important,  but that doesn’t mean that you should live in a dream world that only exists in your imagination.

Do you also use these self-lies to seek refuge? Then you should realize that self-deception is not a solution. Take responsibility and don’t harm yourself!


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