5 Questions About The End Of A Relationship

Before the decision to break the relationship is made, you should see if you really want it that way or if you are only influenced by external opinions

5 questions about the end of a relationship

The end of a relationship is always difficult, but before you finally break up, you should ask yourself a few questions that clarify your relationship with your partner, this relationship in particular, and relationships in general.

After that, you should be able to see a little more clearly and be able to make the decision about the end of a relationship with more confidence.

Questions about the end of a relationship

Ending a relationship is a very difficult decision, but very important at the same time.

Therefore, it would be imperative to view this situation as an opportunity to ask you some highly relevant questions.

Questions that will open your eyes and make you wonder if you should choose this option of breaking or if you are going the wrong way with it.

All of these questions will also help you learn from this relationship so that when you start a new relationship after the breakup, you don’t fall back into the same traps that led to the end of this current relationship.

So ask yourself:

Are you looking for the “ideal, perfect man” in your partner?

We all have expectations and certain ideas, sometimes we play tricks on ourselves with them.

Sometimes we don’t see the other person as a human, but as a prototype of something that he is not, something that is undoubtedly not going well.

Unfulfilled expectations are just wrong and over time we can only see ourselves frustrated, which will lead to disappointment and lead us to blame the other person for certain things. 

Blaming your partner for not conforming to your ideals (which they don’t even know)  is unfair.

It is important that you take this into account to know if this is the problem leading to the end of a relationship.

If so, learn to remove that blindfold that is making you in love with an ideal but not a real person.

Is my relationship toxic?

If the end of a relationship is a decision caused because of a discomfort that has arisen and increased, it is necessary to reflect on how toxic the relationship might have been.

For this it is important to take a little distance and, above all, to have time for yourself.

Feelings, emotions and pain do not let you see clearly at first and small signs of abuse, manipulation, lying and mistreatment that have damaged us go unnoticed.

If we are in a toxic partner relationship, it is imperative to break it off as soon as possible.

Am i in a stressful situation?

While it may seem trivial, periods of hard work and stress can make us less flexible, less tolerant, and make hasty and wrong decisions.

When we are in a phase of a lot of stress and even fear, we can see everything too closely and even lose perspective on everything that is positive around us.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider whether we are in a quiet or particularly stressful period of our life, because that could also be the reason why we decide to quit a relationship and end it.

Are others affected by my decision?

The importance of other people in our relationships is higher than we think. So this question also has a meaning.

Sometimes a parent’s rejection can affect their child’s relationship, for example, creating conflict and discord between the couples who cannot live their relationship in a healthy way.

When a parent rejects our partner, we can feel hurt. The worst part is that we, unconsciously, project all of this into our partner, on whom we then vent our frustrations.

Do I trust my decision or do I have doubts?

We have been brought up to pay attention to the opinions other people have about aspects of our lives. Opinions of other people that influence us.

When a friend tells you that the relationship doesn’t suit you, that your partner doesn’t like anything or on the contrary, they tell you what you could miss if you don’t break up with him …

All of these can affect you and could cause you to make a decision based on what others are telling you.

That is why it is very important that you know what you want, that you stay away from all opinions and dive into your heart and look for the answer that only you know.

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