Forgive Your Parents, They Did Their Best

You can only free yourself if you can forgive others.

Forgive your parents for doing their best

Forgive your parents for lack of emotional affection, forgive them difficult times even if they were responsible, forgive them for all the pain and abuse they did to you.

Do you still suffer the consequences and condemn your parents’ actions? Are you deeply hurt and have anger and resentment against your parents accumulated in you?

Nevertheless: forgive your parents!

Think about her situation, it must have been difficult for everyone. Your parents probably did the best they could, and their lives were also shaped by similar experiences and difficult situations.

Maybe they couldn’t help it. Perhaps you, too, would have acted that way in her situation. 

Forgive your parents, they didn’t know any better

Forgive your parents, they didn't know any better

Forgive your parents because they just didn’t know any better.  Nobody naturally knows how best to do this job.

You may be thinking that in many cases it would be better not to have children. It’s unfair, your parents didn’t deserve it.

Put yourself in their shoes. How would you feel if your child said something like this to you? And just because you didn’t know how you could have done better …

If you forgive your parents, you can find peace of mind  and forgive yourself. You have certainly made similar mistakes in certain situations.

Nobody is flawless, especially when it comes to such a responsible task as bringing up a child.

Forgive your parents, because all their errors and mistakes also have something positive about them, even if you don’t see it that way now.

And you know what? If you are aware of this, you can take a different path and do better yourself.

However, if resentment weighs on your heart, you will most likely repeat the same mistakes, which is much worse.

Free yourself from your bonds

Free yourself from the shackles

A sad childhood can lead to years of anger and bitterness just because your parents didn’t know any better then.

You may not be aware of this, but you cannot find happiness through it. There are always things to turn a blind eye to instead of healing old wounds.

Sometimes your pride stands in the way of forgiveness.  You may be waiting in vain for the other to take the first step to apologize.

But why unnecessarily prolong your own suffering?

Your personal luck can be at stake. It is your responsibility to choose the right path. After all, you are no longer a small child who depends on parental favor.

You are grown up, take the first step. It’s not about submitting or allowing yourself to be humiliated. You don’t always have to agree with others.

But only if you forgive  you can free yourself from your heavy burden,  which makes the whole world appear in a gray veil.

You can learn from anything

Father, child and mother - forgive your parents

Even if your parents haven’t learned anything from all of the pain they caused in you, there is still someone who can take away from the experience. You yourself!

The pain caused still hurts you. You’ve only seen the bad sides so far, but maybe you can make something positive out of it.

You yourself give meaning to your past and decide whether you want to learn from it or suffer from it. Perhaps you will make mistakes similar to your parents, no matter how much you judge them.

You can only learn from mistakes, negative events shape the character in particular, but they also help to develop and grow personally. It can make you a better person.

As a child, you couldn’t do anything about the adverse circumstances. But now as an adult you can make your own decisions.

You decide for yourself whether you can forgive your parents in order to cope with the pain of the past,  or whether you want to live forever in resentment and hatred towards your parents, even if you know that they simply couldn’t do better.

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