How You Can Prevent Gout With Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice not only helps us to lower uric acid levels, it also provides plenty of antioxidants – more than green tea or red wine

How you can prevent gout with pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice is something of a miracle cure for high uric acid levels. Thanks to its high content of polyphenols and antioxidants, it should definitely be on your menu. We’ll tell you how you can even prevent gout with pomegranate juice .

Our uric acid level is not God-given, but is heavily dependent on our diet. Therefore, today we would like to make a few suggestions on how you can do something for your health by making small adjustments to your routine.

We’ll also explain how you can prevent gout and what pomegranate juice has to do with it.

Do you fancy a refreshing juice?

Pomegranate juice works with high uric acid levels and can prevent gout

Many people are familiar with this interesting-looking, heavenly-looking fruit, but only a few really eat it regularly. This may also be due to the fact that it is a bit laborious to get the seeds out of the pomegranate.

But it’s worth it. The University of Maryland Medical Center (Maryland, USA) recently published a study that confirmed that pomegranates are excellent for lowering uric acid levels, supporting the treatment of gout and improving the quality of life in rheumatoid arthritis.

Now let’s look in detail at what pomegranates can do for our joints.

Study confirms that pomegranates can prevent gout

They are rich in healthy acids

Pomegranates mainly contain malic acid and citric acid. These two ingredients regulate the uric acid level through the urine  .

The acids work together with the antioxidants that we absorb from the pomegranate juice to rid our body of those purine compounds that the body cannot metabolize and excrete.

As a precaution, however, we would like to point out that adequate medical treatment is necessary in order to get an elevated uric acid level under control. If this type of therapy is missed, it can lead to severe joint problems as well as kidney stones.

The power of the pomegranate’s antioxidants

Some time ago, the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry published  a study on the antioxidant content of pomegranates and its effect on uric acid levels.

Accordingly, the pomegranate juice attaches to the liver, exactly where an excess of uric acid has to be combated. The polyphenols contained in pomegranate juice make the liver’s job easier and promote the excretion of uric acid in the urine.

By the way, pomegranates contain more antioxidants than green tea, red wine or blueberries. In the aforementioned study it is stated that a glass of pomegranate juice provides up to 20% more free radical scavengers than a cup of green tea or a glass of red wine.

It should not be forgotten that the antioxidants consumed with the pomegranate juice also help cleanse the arteries and prevent atherosclerotic plaques. The entire cardiovascular system benefits from this.

Pomegranates for joint inflammation and reduced bone density

Those who suffer from high uric acid levels often also struggle with rheumatoid arthritis. The symptoms of both conditions are similar and focus on joint inflammation and pain. The inflammation can lead to a fever and the pain can become almost unbearable.

The antioxidants found in pomegranate juice are also anti-inflammatory. Its effect on joints and bones is extremely positive. The decrease in arthritis will be noticeable.

People who are at increased risk of developing osteoporosis should also drink a glass of pomegranate juice every day.

How should pomegranate juice be consumed if you want to lower uric acid levels and prevent gout?

To fully enjoy the benefits of pomegranate juice, you should  drink a glass of this beneficial drink every day.

It is important that it is natural juice. If possible, freshly made from the current season.

  • You can start the day healthy and drink a glass of pomegranate juice for breakfast.
  • If you prefer, you can drink half a glass after lunch and the other half after dinner.

This is how you help your liver to cope with the accumulating purines.

Incidentally, using the pomegranate seeds in salads is also a great idea . In this way you not only give your salads a special touch, but also make them very healthy.

Prevent gout with pomegranate seeds in a salad

And what do we do when there are no pomegranates?

Pomegranate season is from late September to early January. Since the effect of these fruits depends on the fact that they are processed as fresh as possible, it is not always easy to follow the recommendations for consuming pomegranate juice during the rest of the year. But what alternatives do we have?

Fortunately, there are quite a few:

  • Put a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it after you eat.
  • Drink lukewarm lemon water on an empty stomach.
  • Eat a handful of cherries every day.
  • Or a handful of strawberries.
  • Consume artichokes with lemon juice.
  • Make turmeric a place in your diet.
  • Have a cup of green tea in the afternoon.
  • Celery and its seeds are very effective in reducing uric acid levels.
  • Eating one banana a day can also help.

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