Insulin Resistance: A Widespread Evil

We will then explain to you why this disease is occurring more and more and what risks are associated with it. As always, prevention is the best medicine here too. 

Insulin resistance: common evil

Recent medical advances are making it possible to treat diseases that were fatal just a few decades ago. This includes  insulin resistance,  which can have serious consequences.

We will then explain to you why this disease occurs more and more often and what risks are associated with it. As always, prevention is the best medicine here too. 

Insulin resistance: what is it?

More and more people are suffering from  insulin resistance,  which means that the blood sugar lowering hormone insulin is not working properly.

The pancreas secretes this hormone to keep blood sugar levels constant. But when this mechanism fails, the glycemic level (glucose in the blood) rises  because the cells no longer respond to the insulin command. The effects on health are serious.

Insulin resistance is the number one cause of diabetes. It usually develops over years without the person concerned noticing anything. Symptoms only become noticeable when diabetes develops.

Why is insulin resistance so common?

We will then tell you the 5 most important reasons for developing insulin resistance:

1. Obesity

Obesity is a contributing factor to insulin resistance

Overweight and obesity are among the most common causes of insulin resistance, with genetic predisposition also playing a significant role. Belly fat in particular has a very negative effect!

In addition, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fatty liver, polycystic ovaries, or dark skin on the neck and armpits are factors that increase the risk of insulin resistance.

2. Diet

Diet also plays a fundamental role. Not only  overweight people can develop insulin resistance. 

The following foods increase the risk of contracting it:

  • sugar
  • Sweets
  • Refined carbohydrates (cookies, pastries, etc.)
  • Sweet fruit

3. Sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is a factor in insulin resistance

Sedentary lifestyle is an evil in modern society. Many hours in front of the computer or television mean that fat is stored and the blood circulation is disturbed.

This leads to more frequent insulin resistance. That is why daily exercise is essential! This allows the body to use insulin better and break down fat at the same time. We are back to point 1: Obesity should be prevented!

4. Stress

Stress is also a sign of our society and is called the greatest evil of the century. Among other things, this also affects the body’s reaction to the hormone insulin.

Blood sugar levels rise and so does the risk of insulin resistance.

5. Medicines

Excessive medication intake can be a contributing factor to insulin resistance
  • Too much of a good thing has bad effects on the body. Medicines can also have negative effects and lead to insulin resistance. 
  • Many people continuously take medication (sleeping pills, birth control pills, allergy medicine …), which increases the risk of insulin resistance. Especially when there are other possible triggers.

Common symptoms

The following symptoms are common with insulin resistance:

  • Inexplicable, frequent fatigue
  • Mood swings with a tendency to become depressed or irritable
  • Hair loss and oily hair (especially in women)
  • acne
  • Infertility and miscarriages during the first three months of pregnancy
  • hoarseness
  • High cholesterol and high triglyceride levels
  • Small warts on the neck and under the armpits
  • high blood pressure
  • Craving for something sweet in the evening

The glucose tolerance test can be used to determine whether the body is able to break down the sugar it has consumed within a certain period of time. An insulin tolerance test will also be done to confirm the diagnosis.

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