Back Training With Dumbbells

Dumbbells and weights are perfect for training the back muscles. At the same time, you can prevent the loss of muscle mass. Today we will show you various exercises that you can easily do at home.

Back training with dumbbells

The  back training  has several benefits that go far beyond aesthetics. Exercising your back regularly with dumbbells or weights can also improve your posture, prevent injuries, and prevent loss of muscle mass.

A study published in Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine shows that training with dumbbells is very efficient and has many health benefits:

  • Improve motor coordination,  which is important for coordinated movement, speed, strength and resistance.
  • Strengthening the muscles,  which, among other things, can reduce various body aches and pains.
  • Improvement of organ functions
  • Faster recovery from spinal injuries

How does back exercise improve back health?

Specific exercises with dumbbells that work the back muscles and other muscle groups are very important to stimulate the contractions as the tissue tries to counteract the external resistance created by the weight. This helps to strengthen the muscles and so you can prevent injuries.

Exercising with dumbbells can reduce the risk of muscle wasting. When the muscles around the spine and trunk are weakened from physical inactivity or illness, lower back pain can occur and, in some cases, limit mobility.

In addition, dumbbell exercises promote muscle hypertrophy, which is the enlargement of muscles. They also delay the loss of mass due to age, sedentary lifestyle or trauma, as highlighted in an article in the journal Revista del Hospital de ClĂ­nicas de la Universidad de Chile.

Back training
You can relieve back pain by exercising your back muscles.

Tips to consider before back training

Before you start with the exercises, we have some helpful tips for you:

  • If you have a back injury or your spine is damaged, it is important to speak to your doctor or physical therapist before starting any of these exercises.
  • Start cardio for 10 minutes to warm up your muscles and prepare for your back workout.
  • Use medium weight dumbbells (3 to 5 kg). First, you should gradually get your body used to the weight and increase strength and resistance. Then you can gradually increase the weight.
  • Remember, if you use weights that are too heavy that you are not used to, the chances of injury are greater.
  • Activate your abs with every exercise to keep your spine upright and stay healthy.
  • Consciously focus on the exercises and do them slowly to ensure correct posture.

Back training with dumbbells

A study published in the Journal of Sports Sciences suggests that the effectiveness of resistance training depends on the choice of exercises, the order, the frequency and the rest periods. All of these factors affect muscle mass.

A study published in the journal Frontiers in Physiology confirms that the exercise routine must be adapted to the physical requirements of each person in order to get the most benefit from it. Also, this study suggests that dumbbells and light weight exercises increase muscle volume.

Then we will introduce you to various exercises with dumbbells and weights that you can use to strengthen your back muscles.

1. Good morning exercise for back training

This exercise owes its name to the traditional Asian greeting, in which the upper body is bent forward. You can use it to strengthen the straighteners of the spine. It is a series of muscles and tendons that are present across most of the back.

An article by PeerJ shows that this exercise with dumbbells or weights works even more efficiently. However, further studies are needed in this regard.

Follow these steps to complete:

  • You stand on the floor with your shoulders shoulder-width apart.
  • You hold a dumbbell in each hand. Now bend your arms so that the dumbbells are over your shoulders.
  • Then bend your knees slightly and bring your hips backwards (over your heels).
  • Now you bend your torso so that it is parallel to the floor.
  • Straighten your knees and raise your core again to return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds, rest briefly, and do a total of two series.

2. Exercise with your own weight and dumbbells

As with the previous exercise, this one also strengthens the straighteners of the spine and the lower back. Follow these instructions:

  • You stand on the floor with your legs extended shoulder-width apart and put the dumbbells, bar or weight in front of you on the floor.
  • Now you do a squat and take the weight with one or both hands.
  • You stand again with your arms outstretched parallel to your body. Tense your buttocks and thighs and bend your hips slightly forward.
  • Then you get back on your knees and put the weight on the floor. Repeat the exercise ten times and do a total of three series.

3. Rowing with dumbbells for back training

This dumbbell exercise strengthens  various muscles of the back, including the trapezius muscles, the back muscles, and the diamond-shaped muscles. It is therefore a very complete exercise.

Follow these steps to complete:

  • You hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  • You stand with slightly bent knees and hips and bend your torso forward.
  • Bend your arms and bring your elbows back over your back.
  • In this movement, you bring your shoulder blades together.
  • Hold this position for a few minutes, then extend your arms forward to repeat the exercise. Do a total of three sets of ten repetitions.

    4. Superman

    An article published in the Journal of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy reports on a study that examined three groups of participants while doing back pain training. It was confirmed that the Superman exercise with weights activates and strengthens the muscles in the lumbar area. Would you like to learn how to do this exercise?

    • You lie face down on a mat and open your legs to hip width. The arms are stretched upwards on the mat.
    • You hold a light dumbbell in each hand.
    • Tense your buttocks and stomach while your upper body and pelvis stay on the mat. Then raise your arms and legs at the same time.
    • Lift all extremities as high as possible and stay in this position for a few seconds.
    • Then go back to the starting position and repeat the exercise.
    • Do a total of three sets of ten repetitions each.
    Back training
    The Superman exercise with dumbbells has been shown to be very efficient for the lower back.

    5. Raising the arms to the side for back training

    With this exercise you not only train the trapezius muscles, but also the shoulder and neck muscles. Proceed as follows:

    • Lie face down on a mat with your forehead on the mat. The view is directed to the floor in order to reduce the tension in the neck and neck area.
    • You hold a dumbbell in each hand.
    • The legs are hip-width apart and the arms are stretched out to the side on the floor. So your body forms the shape of a cross.
    • Now raise your arms sideways without lifting your  chest, pelvis or legs. Raise your arms until they are at shoulder level.
    • Be careful not to bend your arms.
    • Then you put your arms and dumbbells back on the floor and repeat the exercise. Do two complete sets of ten repetitions each.

    Take care of your back health and strengthen your muscles

    Take the time to do this back workout with dumbbells at least  three times a week. In this way you strengthen your muscles and can achieve excellent results in the medium to long term.

    Don’t forget that if you have any doubts, it is best to contact a personal trainer who can specifically address your needs and complaints. He can determine  specific exercises for you and also advise you personally on intensity, weight and resistance.

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