Brewer’s Yeast For A Healthy Diet

There is no way you will regret making brewer’s yeast an integral part of your diet.

Brewer's yeast for a healthy diet

You are probably familiar with this food and have perhaps eaten it in some form before. If you haven’t given brewer’s yeast a permanent place in your diet, then after reading this article you will be on your way to buy it.

There is no way you will regret making brewer’s yeast a regular part of your diet.

Excellent food

Did you know that brewer’s yeast is one of the foods with the broadest nutritional profile? Pay close attention to what is in it:

  • 8 essential amino acids.
  • 10 amino acids that are then indispensable for the construction of proteins.
  • 40% proteins.
  • 14 minerals and trace elements, including selenium, chromium, zinc, copper, calcium and iron.
  • 20 vitamins, among which there are especially those from the vitamin B complex.
  • Nucleic acids, which also play an important role in cell regeneration.

Who Should Consume Brewer’s Yeast?

Brewer’s yeast is ideal for:

  • Pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding.
  • Children in the early development phase (especially up to the age of 7)
  • Adolescents.
  • Athletes (improvement of performance and oxygen supply to the muscles)
  • People who diet to lose weight.
  • Vegetarians and vegans (to get enough protein).
  • Elderly people.
  • People who suffer from nutritional deficiency symptoms.
  • Those suffering from anemia suffer.
  • Diabetic.
  • People in whom the hormonal balance (progesterone, testosterone and thyroid hormones) is disturbed.
  • Cancer patients.
  • Individuals recovering from surgery.
  • People affected by eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia) and malnutrition.
  • People with liver disease.
  • People with high cholesterol.

As you have undoubtedly noticed at this point, it is suitable for almost all population groups, people of all ages and health conditions.

Brewer's yeast

What is brewer’s yeast anyway?

These are microorganisms that are used as fermentation agents in the production of one of the world’s most popular beverages and that multiply in the process.

From a biological point of view, brewer’s yeast is Saccharomyces cerevisiae . Dried powder is used as a dietary supplement, but unlike beer, it does not contain alcohol.

Brewer’s yeast can also be grown in laboratories, but most of the brewer’s yeast we use as a dietary supplement today is actually a by-product of beer production.

Before it reaches the market, however, it also goes through a cleaning process and its taste is also adjusted, it is debittered.

Unfortunately, some of its ingredients are lost in the process, so that brewer’s yeast that comes directly from beer production is often of higher quality.

Brewer's yeast

We recommend buying live, active brewer’s yeast, that is, products that have not been purified and “improved”, as these processes actually degrade the quality of the yeast.

There are bitter and debittered ones, which is due to the treatment they went through. Bitter contains more nutrients than debittered, the taste of which, as already mentioned, has been adjusted afterwards.

Use brewer’s yeast to help you lose weight

It is recommended to consume 20 to 30 grams daily  . This high protein dietary supplement can be bought at health food stores and pharmacies and is used by many dieters to help shed excess pounds.

Keep your eyes open when buying yeast – some brewer’s yeast is offered in three different forms, with different tastes like apple, cheese or natural.

Depending on which foods you want to eat them with, you can choose your favorite flavor. It  can be added to all foods, so we increase the nutritional value and health benefits of the respective meal.

It is usually eaten with the following foods:

  • milk
  • yogurt
  • juices
  • Mixed drinks
  • Cereals
  • vegetables
  • Pasta
  • flesh
  • hamburger
  • Salads
  • cake
  • Pies
  • dessert
  • tea

As you can see, brewer’s yeast is very versatile.

Brewer's yeast spoon

Tips for the brewer’s yeast diet

  • Make sure you buy active, bitter brewer’s yeast. This brewer’s yeast has not gone through a chemical process in which some of its nutrients are lost.
  • Put some brewer’s yeast to fruit and vegetable juices, which you take over the day to you a longer-lasting feeling of satiety to reach and make your diet healthier.
  • Brewer’s yeast flakes are particularly suitable for a wide variety of meals, for salads as well as cakes and many other dishes. A teaspoon of beer flakes enriches your meal with many important proteins and does not make you fat.
  • Start the day with a glass of lukewarm water in which you have added lemon juice and some brewer’s yeast. Drink this mixture on an empty stomach for two weeks before breakfast and allow half an hour to pass before you eat.
  • If you get hungry, don’t raid your fridge indiscriminately. For example, eat raw vegetables, carrots or cucumber that you have put some brewer’s yeast on.
  • Also on your hamburger and  in the salad that you eat for lunch, is brewer’s yeast makes very good. A small amount is enough to give you a feeling of satiety that lasts for several hours. At the same time, the brewer’s yeast provides you with the energy you need to continue your work.

More tips

  • You should consume them three times a day. 10 grams are consumed at a time and this diet should be kept for over a month in order to achieve good results.
  • Read the leaflet carefully, the quantities that should be added to the various foods are given here.
  • Plus, choose  a healthy lifestyle. The brewer’s yeast diet alone cannot break other bad habits. It is important that you do sports two to three times a week, exercise regularly, drink two liters of water a day and avoid certain foods as much as possible. The latter include, for example, coffee, fried foods, refined flours, and sugar. That way, you will get better results in less time.
Brewer's yeast oats

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