New Study: This Could Be The MAIN CAUSE Of Cancer

Although many cancers cannot be prevented, a healthy lifestyle and the renunciation of harmful habits such as tobacco can always be of great help.

New study: this could be the MAIN CAUSE of cancer

Until recently, science assumed that a large part of cancer can be traced back to genetic predisposition and external environmental factors.

Diet, environmental pollution or certain lifestyle habits  are also intended to increase the risk of cancer to a lesser or greater extent.

But it seems that these assumptions are incorrect.

From a comprehensive study conducted by geneticists John Hopkins University (Baltimore, USA), and recently in the journal  Science  was published,  it appears that the main cause of cancer the chance is. 

Two out of three genetic mutations that lead to cancer are the sad result of a chance mistake that can arise in cell division.

The experts are aware that this data is very polemical.

Read on to learn more about this study.

Two thirds of cancers cannot be prevented through preventive care: early detection is the key

roll the dice

We know that this information takes away hope for many. Does that mean that prevention doesn’t make sense? That a healthy life has no impact? The answer is disappointing, but it does explain various facts that many have long observed.

  • Many people who eat healthily, do not smoke, exercise regularly and are not genetically predisposed nevertheless develop cancer .
  • Specialists have long been aware that something is wrong in the equation and that this must be due to as yet unknown factors that cannot be influenced by preventive care.
  • Many of us do not know exactly  how the almost perfect machine of the organism works. The cells are constantly renewing themselves, cell division occurs every day in order to carry out basic processes that enable survival.
  • But every time a normal cell divides and the DNA is copied, errors can also arise.

Every time a cell divides, around 3.3 billion base pairs of DNA have to be copied and even if this process runs almost perfectly,  random mutations always occur.

Mathematically, there are an average of three errors, this is the result of this research study. And that is exactly where the problem lies.

The “unhappiness factor” determines whether cancer develops


Bert Vogelstein, the head of this research, mentioned in a press conference that it is estimated that around 66% of cancer cases result from a cell mutation that is simply caused by accidental copying errors.

  • 29% of the cases are caused by environmental influences, while the lifestyle and genetic predisposition are hardly more than 5%.
  • Scientists speak of an “unfortunate factor” because it is very difficult to find out when exactly the error is produced, to slow down this process or to prevent such a gene mutation.
  • It has been found that nearly 77% of pancreatic cancer cases are the result of accidental copying errors in cell division.

Factors such as alcohol or tobacco account for around 18%, but genetic predisposition only accounts for 5%.

  • Dr. Vogelstein also explains that 95% of tumors of the prostate, brain, and bones are  due to accidental errors in cell division. 

Better ways to diagnose cancer early

Even if these results are disappointing, since it seems that there is little that can be done in terms of prevention, since it is an “unfortunate factor” which in most cases leads to cancer, one should not see everything so black right away.

Science is developing new promising techniques for the early detection of cancer that are very helpful and important.

  • A simple blood analysis or saliva sample can be very efficient in a few years to identify the first mutations quickly and easily, even before pathological changes occur in the body.

Prevention is helpful in 40% of cancer cases


Despite the “unfortunate factor”, the most important fundamentals in the fight against cancer are early detection and continuous prevention.

The researchers in this study agree that daily observance of the following aspects is of paramount importance:

  • A clean environment that is free from chemicals and carcinogenic substances.
  • A healthy lifestyle. 

Around 40% of new cancer diagnoses could be prevented by giving up tobacco and eating a healthy diet that is as natural as possible.

We all know this, but often don’t stick to it.

Just as important are  simple and inexpensive early detection programs that are organized by sanitary facilities  and should be accessible to the whole population.

Regular check-ups for breast cancer, colon, lung, ovarian, or prostate cancer, to name a few, are essential to having effective treatment and reducing the death rate.

We are getting closer and closer to a solution.

There may not be a definitive cure for cancer in the near future, but we will have a variety of strategies and techniques available to stop and reverse the disease.

We hope we won’t have to wait long for it.

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