8 Natural Treatments For Damaged Hair

Natural treatments give hair back its suppleness and shine. They are very effective, and if you use them correctly, they will give excellent results without breaking your wallet. 

8 natural treatments for damaged hair

Who doesn’t dream of an attractive head of hair? But what happens when the sun, climatic factors or insufficient care  strain the  hair ? There are excellent natural remedies that improve the appearance and vitality of hair.

Of course, there are also numerous beauty products for damaged hair in stores , but today we’re going to show you various alternatives that are inexpensive and at the same time promote your health. Most commercial products contain chemicals with harmful effects.

Natural treatments restore the hair’s suppleness and shine. They are very effective, and if you use them correctly, they will give excellent results without breaking the bank. 

Natural treatments for damaged hair

Hair care with mayonnaise and olive oil


  • mayonnaise
  • olive oil
  • Vitamin E capsules
  • castor oil


Mix all ingredients and apply to hair. After at least 20 minutes of action, rinse with warm water. This treatment can be done once a week.


Hair care with beer and olive oil


  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • ½ cup of beer
  • 2 tbsp yellow mustard (can also be replaced with mayonnaise)


Mix all ingredients together and leave to work on hair for 20 to 30 minutes. This hair mask has a revitalizing effect. Rinse them out with warm water after the action time.

Repeat this procedure twice a week.

Hair care with aloe vera and beer


  • Aloe vera
  • 3 tbsp beer
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil


Puree the aloe vera and add three tablespoons of beer and the olive oil. Mix everything well and apply this mask to the ends of your hair every two weeks. Let the mixture sit for 15 minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Aloe vera

Hair treatment with papaya and banana


  • papaya
  • banana
  • Olive oil or coconut oil
  • Bee honey
  • yogurt


This conditioner will require more ingredients, but it is very effective. Mix everything in a blender, then apply the conditioning treatment to your hair,  especially the tips. 

Then put a plastic hood over it to increase the effect. After 30 to 40 minutes, you can rinse the mask off with water.

Care treatment with coconut oil and lemon juice


  • Coconut oil
  • Lemon juice


Mix coconut oil and lemon juice in a ratio of 1 to 2. Apply this hair conditioner all over your hair and massage the scalp with it. With it you can vitalize your hair and supply it with moisture.

This cure is also excellent against dandruff.

Hair care with coconut oil and curry leaves


  • Coconut oil
  • Curry leaves


Heat a few crushed  curry leaves with  coconut oil. This mixture is used at least once a week, it improves the natural shine of the hair.

coconut oil mealmakeovermoms

Hair mask with olive oil and honey


  • honey
  • olive oil


Honey  contains valuable active ingredients and revitalizes the hair.  Mix it in equal parts with olive oil and apply this conditioning mask to your hair. Rinse with water after around 15 to 20 minutes.

If you wish, you can add an egg to this care mask to treat the tips.

All of these treatments are very effective on damaged hair. Use them regularly to get the results you want. Avoid aggressive heat treatments and harmful chemicals whenever possible to  protect your hair!

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