Citrus Fruits – How Can You Use The Peel?

Always use fruits from your own or organic cultivation.

Citrus fruits - how can you use the peel?

Did you know that the peel of citrus fruits contains many positive active ingredients? The shells have a cancer-inhibiting effect and can prevent cardiovascular diseases and water retention and also strengthen the immune system. 
In this article, we’ll explain how you can use the peel of lemons, oranges, tangerines, limes, and grapefruit to benefit from their  medicinal, culinary, and cosmetic properties.

Always use fruit that you have grown yourself or organically  so that the peel does not contain pesticides, wax or other toxic substances.

How is the bowl stored?

Wash the fruits well and then peel them. Remove the inner, white layer, otherwise the peels may taste bitter.

The best thing to do is to rub the  peel to use it straight away This way you can take full advantage of the aroma. If you don’t want to use everything right away, you can also freeze the peel.

Another option is to  dry the shell, either in the sun or in the oven (at a low temperature for several hours). Then you can pulverize the shell with the help of a coffee grinder.

Medical application

  • The peel is an important antioxidant, especially because of the flavonoids it contains, which have an anti-cancer effect and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Thanks to the high content of vitamin C, the shell also strengthens the immune system.
  • It has a cleansing and detoxifying effect, both externally and internally. Water retention can also be avoided.
  • The peel of the citrus fruits has a relaxing and pain relieving effect and helps to improve the state of mind.
  • The pods have a digestive effect,  especially when it comes to breaking down fats.
  • Citrus peel helps absorb nutrients better,  especially iron. Therefore, the consumption of the peel of the citrus fruits is particularly recommended for those suffering from anemia.

Culinary application

The peel of citrus fruits, whether raw or dried, gives our recipes a refreshing and aromatic note. It also provides many health benefits and makes digestion easier. Here are some application examples:

  • In cakes, pies and biscuits : Mix the grated shell into the batter or use it for decoration.
  • In salad dressings or other sauces,  or to give the oil a fine note.
  • As a spice  (dried and powder) for meat, fish, soups and stews
  • For tea or other drinks  (lemonades, shakes, juices, vegetable smoothies)
  • To give the ice cubes a special taste:  Mix freshly grated citrus fruit peel with the ice cube water.
  • The bowl can also be candied,  either whole or in pieces. Boil the bowl with sugar or toss it in sugar and then bake it in the oven.

You can also use it to make a syrup : boil the bowl with honey or sugar until it is reduced by half.

Keep the syrup in the refrigerator. This can be used for various dishes or as a drink for children and adults. It strengthens the immune system and protects against diseases.

Citrus Fruits – Cosmetic Use

Thanks to the many vitamins and minerals found in the peel of citrus fruits, they are ideal for cleansing, tightening and moisturizing the skin.

You can also use it to prevent wrinkles. The vitamins promote  cell regeneration and the formation of collagen.

  • As a natural peeling : You can use it to prepare a simple and natural peeling so that the skin can regenerate itself. To do this, mix the grated peel with a little sugar or salt, and with a little lemon juice or olive or almond oil (especially if you suffer from dry skin) or with aloe vera (if you have oily skin).
  • Deodorant : If you puree the peel of citrus fruits with the blender, you get a juice that serves as a natural deodorant without any toxins. You can store it in the refrigerator for a few days, or you can freeze it and use it gradually.
  • Soap : In this article you can read how to make a natural soap from lavender. If you use grated citrus peel instead of lavender, you will get a very aromatic cleaning soap. 

Images provided by veronicasheppard, ecstaticist and ecstaticist

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