6 Foods That Increase LDL Cholesterol

Bad LDL cholesterol is deposited in the arteries and can lead to serious cardiovascular diseases, so it is very important to control the cholesterol level . 

6 foods that raise LDL cholesterol

LDL cholesterol creates  buildup in the arteries, which leads to hypercholesterolemia. It is a lipid metabolism disorder that affects large sections of the population.

Cholesterol is extremely important for cell structure and is also required for the production of bile acid, for fat digestion and for the synthesis of hormones.

But too much of it can lead to  serious cardiovascular disease. The LDL cholesterol is deposited in the blood vessels and leads to arteriosclerosis or vascular calcification.

Cholesterol is not only released by the liver, it is also  particularly absorbed through the diet. Therefore, as a precaution, it is extremely important to know those foods that increase the LDL cholesterol level in the blood.

What is LDL Cholesterol?

Low density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol is often referred to simply as “bad cholesterol” because it builds up as plaques in the arteries. It is one of the most common risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

LDL cholesterol is counted as one of the “silent killers” because initially there are no symptoms indicating this condition and it is therefore often only recognized late.

Hypercholesterolemia is when the  LDL cholesterol level exceeds 130 mg / dl. 

Even if the “good cholesterol” (HDL) level is lower than 35 mg / dl in men and lower than 40 mg / dl in women, there is an increased risk.

Symptoms of high cholesterol

LDL cholesterol in the arteries

The symptoms of high cholesterol can vary in each patient. In general  , as mentioned earlier, there are no clear signs in the initial phase.

However, over time, the following symptoms may arise:

  • Heaviness and indigestion
  • fatigue
  • constipation
  • Movement fatigue
  • Bad breath
  • Swelling of the extremities
  • dizziness
  • a headache
  • Blurred vision
  • Chest pain

Which foods contain large amounts of LDL cholesterol?

Various factors can cause LDL cholesterol to build up in your arteries. In most cases, however, the causes lie in an unhealthy diet with foods high in unhealthy cholesterol.

It is worth changing your diet and  avoiding unhealthy foods as much as possible! 

1. Whole milk products

Whole milk products high in LDL cholesterol

Whole milk products contain large amounts of saturated fat, so it’s better to avoid them to keep your cholesterol under control.

It is best to opt for low-fat products that  contain fewer lipids.

Avoid the following whole milk products as much as possible:

  • Whole milk
  • cream
  • Condensed milk
  • Butter and margarine

2. cheese

Cheese also generally contains a lot of cholesterol, although there are very large differences depending on the type.

In particular, try to avoid cheeses that are very fatty and contain particularly high levels of LDL cholesterol. These include, above all, long-matured cheeses and cheese spreads.

3. Red meat

red meat is high in LDL cholesterol

While most people eat meat on a regular basis, it should be noted that red meat, in particular, is high in cholesterol and saturated fat.

It is therefore advisable to consume in moderation. Lean meats that have removed any visible fat are best 

4. Offal

Offal are rich in vitamins A, B and D as well as minerals such as potassium and iron.

Nevertheless, they should only be consumed from time to time  as they are high in cholesterol and saturated fat. 

5. Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise contains LDL cholesterol

Commercial mayonnaise  is high in unhealthy fat, cholesterol, and calories.

If you consume this mayonnaise frequently, it, when combined with other unhealthy foods, can lead to high cholesterol levels!

6. Industrially produced baked goods

Industrially produced baked goods contain high concentrations of  sugar, saturated fatty acids and trans fats.

These lead to increased cholesterol levels and ultimately to deposits in the arteries.

The foods mentioned are often on your menu? Even if you do not have any problems with your cholesterol level, you should be careful and take appropriate measures to avoid  them! 

Eat a healthy diet that contains sufficient omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fiber, as these can help prevent bad cholesterol levels.

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