6 Foods That Are Helpful For Fatty Liver

In order to enable a cure for fatty liver, it is very important to avoid alcohol and tobacco. In addition, a healthy and balanced diet is essential. Here are 6 foods that are recommended for a fatty liver.

6 foods that help with fatty liver

If your doctor told you you had fatty liver disease, he or she probably advised you to improve your eating habits and cut out alcohol and tobacco as soon as possible. To support you in your endeavors, in today’s article we would like to introduce you to 6 foods that are helpful for a fatty liver.

Fatty liver is a disorder that develops when this organ can no longer function properly due to the accumulation of fatty acids. It is common in people with obesity, alcoholism, and type 2 diabetes who do not take good care of themselves, as well as people who have very high fat and unhealthy diets.

Fatty liver disease is often asymptomatic at first, but various symptoms can appear over time, such as abdominal pain, fatigue, gas, etc. Fortunately, the  disease is reversible. If it is recognized early and the lifestyle is improved, the liver can regenerate.

The 6 foods you should consume if you have fatty liver

Eating a healthy diet is essential if you are to combat fatty liver disease. However, you should only change your diet under the guidance of your doctor, who will explain everything you need to know. In addition, there are some foods that you can include in your eating plan as they will provide you with additional nutrients that are particularly beneficial for the liver.

1. Tamarind

Tamarind for fatty liver

Fruits are generally said to be one of the best foods to fight fatty liver disease. Because they provide you with vitamins and minerals. In addition, they also contain fiber and antioxidants that have a positive impact on health.

According to some studies  , the  tamarind could be  one of the best fruits for fighting fatty liver. Because it is high in unsaturated fat and fiber, it improves digestion and eliminates excess fat.


  • 20 tamarind leaves
  • 1 liter of water


  • Bring the water to a boil, then add the leaves.
  • Let the infusion sit for 30 minutes and then drink it.
  • This tea tastes both cold and warm.

Another alternative is to drink tamarind water, which is prepared as follows:


  • 100 g peeled and pitted tamarind
  • 1 liter of water


  • First you mix the tamarind with a glass of water.
  • Then you add the rest of the water. The tamarind juice is now ready to be consumed.

If you want, you can add a little honey or brown sugar to give the juice a more pleasant taste. However, you should avoid using artificial sweeteners, as these will only worsen the problems with fatty liver.

Note: You can consume both the infusion and the tamarind water at any time of the day. Still, don’t overdo it, as too much tamarind can lead to an upset stomach.

2. Legumes

Legumes are also among the foods that you should consume if you have fatty liver. Since they are low in calories, they will help you combat this condition while regulating your weight at the same time. In addition, their protein and fiber content lowers cholesterol, another high risk factor for fatty liver.

In addition, you should avoid fine salt when cooking. You can use coarse salt instead, but only in moderation. You can also use various spices to improve the taste of the legumes. The only thing to consider when consuming legumes is that you don’t consume them in excess.

3. Strawberries

Strawberries are good for the liver

High in vitamin C and other nutrients, strawberries are one of the best foods to eat as part of a balanced diet for fatty liver disease.

Because of their delicious taste, this will certainly not be difficult for you. You can consume strawberries in different ways, natural or in a yogurt, for example. You can also use them to prepare smoothies, bread, salads or muesli. Below you will find a recipe for a delicious and very healthy smoothie with strawberries.


  • 1 cup of cleaned strawberries (166 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of flaxseed (5 g)
  • a cup of low-fat natural yogurt (250 ml)


  • Process all ingredients in the blender and drink the smoothie immediately after preparation.

4. Lemon

Lemon is a fruit that is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which is why it is considered one of the best foods to use in treating fatty liver disease. The popular belief is that you should consume lemon as a drink to improve liver health. However, doctors point out that, despite the antioxidants in lemon, this drink is in no way a cure or effective treatment.

Still, enjoying a glass of lemonade as part of a healthy diet can be refreshing and generally positive. So if you want, you can consume the lemon this way.

5. Whole grains

If you have been diagnosed with fatty liver, you should eliminate foods high in simple carbohydrates from your diet.  But that doesn’t mean you can’t eat carbohydrates. On the contrary, carbohydrates are necessary to provide you with enough energy to carry out all of your activities.

It is recommended that you  choose whole grains  because they are high in fiber and make it easier to break down fat. By including these products in your diet, you will avoid spikes in both your blood sugar and LDL (bad cholesterol) levels.

6. Spinach for fatty liver

Spinach-with-a-fatty liver

Leafy green vegetables, especially spinach, should always be included in your diet. Because of their high fiber content, they are ideal for speeding up intestinal transit. The folic acid it contains helps regulate the functions of the liver and kidneys.

Unless you are a big spinach lover, you should use it in smoothies to get all of its benefits.

If you have fatty liver, you should eat a healthy diet as quickly as possible

If you have been diagnosed with fatty liver disease, you should follow your doctor’s instructions while maintaining good lifestyle habits, especially when it comes to hydration and diet.

You should also keep in mind that consuming the above foods will not in themselves help prevent or cure fatty liver disease. But if you consume them as part of a healthy lifestyle, they can still contribute to good health.

If you have any questions about a balanced and healthy diet, you should consult a doctor or nutritionist. 

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