Different Types Of Breakups

There are different types of breakups that can destroy us, but we should always keep our composure and look ahead as we only need ourselves to be happy.

Different types of breakups

All breakups cause pain that you have to process to move forward. However, there are different types of breakups,  some of which are particularly painful and heartbreaking. Today we invite you to reflect on this subject with us.

A relationship in which the partners grow apart and separate over time, since there is no longer any love or passion, is different than when it comes to cheating or cheating.

In the first case, the separation comes almost automatically, by mutual consent. Both partners can be seen as two knots that have become more and more porous over time, until they finally dissolve.

In the second case , pain and suffering are very great, there is a  breach of trust and everything changes in the relationship. What  types of breakups  are particularly painful and painful?

Your partner is leaving you

Different types of breakups and the pain

This happens very often:  Your partner suddenly tells you that he wants to end the relationship  and the world collapses for you because you did not expect it.

While this situation can be surprising, it gradually arises from incidents that you don’t want to see or ignore. However, the result is clear.

Here are a few reasons one partner might leave the other:

  • The partner fell in love with another person.
  • The passion is gone and all that remains is friendship.
  • The partner’s expectations were not met. Perhaps one of them would like to have children, the other not.
  • The partner was unfaithful or disrespectful.

There are many different reasons, because every person and every relationship is a world of its own. Separations due to a lack of passion are often particularly painful, since in this case only one of the partners usually suffers from it.

One is still in love and tries everything possible to maintain the relationship, the other has in truth already broken up with it. Perhaps one of the partners was never really in love and the relationship was designed to fail in the first place.

The heartache of different types of breakups

All of these circumstances make for a heartbroken for the person who is being abandoned. And yet, an ending relationship is the best that can happen, no matter how painful it is. The suffering person must now learn to look ahead.

Different types of breakups and emotional dependencies 

Emotional dependence usually leads to great suffering sooner or later. The  addict has the wrong idea of  love. Her self-esteem is getting weaker and weaker and she believes that she cannot live without her partner.

The addict feels empty when the relationship ends. She no longer sees the meaning of life and often takes refuge in a new dependent relationship without coming to terms with the past.

The new relationship is supposed to alleviate the pain of separation, but the wound has not healed and the heart is still broken.

Emotional dependence on the partner and different types of breakups

When a relationship ends, for whatever reason, we always feel sad and suffering. But right now you  have to learn to look ahead and not make the same mistakes again. This takes time and effort.

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