8 Tips For Decorating Your Office

Decorating your office is not a waste of time. On the contrary, it will increase your productivity and improve your mood. Find out how.

8 tips for decorating your office

These tips for decorating your office will make you feel more comfortable in the room where you spend most of your day. Whether it is a small or large room, the most important thing is that it is tidy. This is the only way your decoration can come into its own and inspire you.

In addition to maintaining order and cleanliness, good decoration that provides light and inspiration will also affect your mental and physical health. Give your office a new look!

How does decorating your office affect your productivity?

Imagine how you would feel if you walked into your office and had papers, pens lying around and a huge old desk waiting for you in an unlit corner? A place where you have to leave the lightbulbs on all day. Not a nice idea, is it?

This has to do with the fact that clutter combined with improper decoration can have a negative impact, just as, conversely, the right decoration can increase your productivity and improve your mood. More on that later, but something very basic is definitely natural lighting.

Another aspect to consider is the sense of smell. We know from aromatherapy that essences like cinnamon help reduce fatigue and relieve stress; Roses fight sadness and citrus fruits, like bergamot, enhance the feeling of calm.

Tips for decorating your office

In the following, we present 8 tips for decorating your office that not only give the work area a touch of elegance, but also make it a little more inviting and motivate you to work every day.

We spend a large part of the day in the office, so we can get bored quickly. So there is nothing like changing the style.

1. Light walls

If you paint the walls of your office with light colors like white or cream, your work area will look brighter. However, there are other tones that studies have shown affect creativity and productivity at work.

Orange, for example, is a color associated with creativity, success, and mood. So it would have a very positive effect to paint one of the walls this color.

On the other hand, we find that blue, purple, and gray symbolize success. You can not only use these colors as wall paints, but also take them into account for accessories or decorative furniture.

2. Write a motivational phrase

This tip applies depending on the type of work. It is very trendy in creative offices such as advertising agencies or press offices.

If you enjoy retreating from reading, choose a sentence from your favorite book that motivates you and write it on one of the walls. You can of course also use stickers for this.

If this is not allowed in your work area, you can put up a picture frame with the motivational phrase of your choice. The idea is that you read it every day and let it inspire you to have a great day.

3. Natural light sources

Natural light sources have great health benefits. Studies have shown that natural light can affect neurodegenerative diseases such as: B. Parkinson’s disease can prevent.

In fact, clinical animal studies have shown that this type of lighting improves cognitive function and performance by affecting the hippocampus.

At the same time, research has also shown that natural light, especially in the morning hours, reduces symptoms of mental illness by stimulating serotonin production and improving vitamin D synthesis.

4. Buy a practical desk

The desk is very important. If you want a lot of space, the desk should ideally be longer than it is wide. As a result, it takes up less space than a sturdy desk.

On the other hand, you can also optimize the space if your office is small. If the furniture has vertical drawers, you can store your work items in them.

Another recommendation if your office is very small would be to install a folding desk. This will give you more space, which is especially valuable if your office is at home.

5. Folding chairs

This tip goes in the same direction as the previous one. Today it is possible to find different accessories that can make a folding chair very comfortable for work. At the end of the day you can also gain a little more space.

Another advantage of buying this type of chair is that you can buy a modern and colorful chair, goes beyond the typical image of an office chair. Although the most important thing with this piece of furniture is of course comfort.

6. Use tidy shelves to decorate your office

Shelves are a marvel. If you have a lot of papers, folders, or work materials, this is an ideal way to keep things organized.

Preferably choose ones that are vertical and have many subdivisions. In this way it is easy to assign a place to each thing and thus to find everything faster without having to rummage through everything.

Decoration of your office
Bookcases are huge space savers. If you work at home, you should seriously consider getting such a shelf.

7. Vertical filing cabinets

When you need to put folders and important documents in, vertical filing cabinets are best. These save space and keep important documents safe. The best place for the filing cabinets is usually in the corners.

8. Give your personal touch

The last tip for decorating your office is the most important. As we said, it’s the room where you spend most of your time.

So give yourself the option of personalization. Put up a nice picture frame with a picture of your family or pets. Bring your own pen holder, put up a cute succulent plant or a cactus.

How about these tips for decorating your office?

Do you want to put these tips for decorating your office into practice? Now you know that beyond aesthetics and trends, the right decoration of your office affects your health, your productivity and your mood. This will make the decision a lot easier for you.

The most important thing is that your office is the space where you can happily and happily do your work tasks. After all, the facility and everything that goes with it should inspire you to meet your working hours without worrying about it every day.

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