7 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Eggplants

Eggplants are not only diuretic. They’re also rich in antioxidants, which help keep cholesterol under control, improve memory, and prevent premature aging

7 reasons why you should eat more eggplants

Eggplants are popular all over the world and are prepared in a variety of recipes. They are characterized by a high content of nutrients and are therefore very healthy!

In ancient times it was still believed that this vegetable was toxic and not suitable for human consumption. This was mainly due to the typical color of this vegetable.

But over time, eggplants began  to be included in the menu in many regions, and gradually their medicinal qualities were also valued more and more.

Eggplants are particularly recommended because of their high content of antioxidants, which are supposed to help protect against cancer, help with weight loss and prevent premature aging.

These vegetables promote general well-being and should therefore be regularly incorporated into the nutrition plan.

In the following, you will find  7 interesting reasons why you should definitely eat more eggplants.

Read on to find out more!

1. Eggplants protect the cardiovascular system


This type of vegetable contains large amounts of fiber, potassium, vitamin C and vitamins of the B complex. With their nutrients, these ensure the protection of the cardiovascular system. 

The high content of so-called flavonoids is associated with a lower risk of developing chronic cardiovascular diseases.

2. Eggplants keep cholesterol in check

In addition to the previously mentioned benefit, it is important to mention that eggplant is one of the best foods for controlling blood cholesterol.

The chlorogenic acid it contains has a strong antioxidant effect. It has been shown that this natural acid lowers the level of fats in the arteries.

In addition, it has a preventive effect against cancer and helps with viruses and other pathogenic microbes.

On the other hand, the vitamins and minerals it contains improve blood circulation. They also prevent fats from building up in the arteries.

3. Eggplants lower the risk of cognitive disorders


Consuming eggplant regularly has interesting benefits for the brain as well as the entire nervous system.

The antioxidants it contains effectively fight free radicals from the environment. They also improve memory and cognitive skills. 

There is a substance called nasunin in the skin of the eggplant. This has a strong antioxidant effect and then helps transport the nutrients to the brain cells.

This also stimulates the blood flow in the brain. In this way, mental disorders associated with the aging process can be prevented.

4. Eggplants work against fluid retention

The diuretic properties of eggplant are especially helpful for patients who are prone to fluid retention and inflammation. 

When cooked in water, the eggplant turns into one of the best remedies to relieve fluid retention-related illnesses.

5. Eggplants fight excessive belly fat


Amazing but wah: the eggplant is one of the best foods when it comes to getting rid of excess fat on the belly.

Of course, this is not a miracle product. However, consuming eggplant is a wonderful supplement for people who are in the process of losing weight.

  • This benefit can be explained by the eggplant’s strong diuretic and detoxifying effects. This allows waste that has accumulated in the body to be eliminated.
  • In addition, the eggplant also stimulates the function of the liver. This is particularly important in order to achieve a good fat metabolism. 
  • Furthermore, the high fiber content improves the digestive processes. This also leads to the fact that one feels full longer and does not reach for food again after one has eaten.

6. Eggplants counteract premature aging

The antioxidants contained in this amazing vegetable have a direct effect on protecting the cells of the organism.

Regular consumption reduces the risk of suffering from various cancers and chronic diseases that are related to the aging process.

But that’s not all: Eggplants also prevent the premature loss of collagen and elastin. These ensure that the aspect of the skin stays young and healthy.

7. Eggplants strengthen bones and joints


The regular consumption of eggplant may help to minimize the risk of diseases of bones and joints suffer.

  • The eggplant is a source of vitamins A, B, C and E. It also contains calcium, magnesium and iron
  • In addition to all of these nutrients, eggplant also contains folic acid. Together they protect the bones and also regulate inflammatory processes that could otherwise lead to diseases such as arthritis.

As you can see, it is an all-encompassing food that has many short- and long-term benefits.

Don’t hesitate and make eggplant regularly. Whether you choose refreshing vegetable drinks or tasty dishes is entirely up to you.

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