7 Mistakes In Child Nutrition

All parents want to do everything right in child nutrition and yet make many avoidable mistakes that we would like to show you.

7 mistakes in child nutrition

Proper child nutrition is important because you are laying the foundation for your child’s growth and development. In your responsibility as a father or mother, you should therefore make child nutrition as healthy and “correct” as possible.

Failure in child nutrition

Child nutrition is defined differently in every country, as every culture has its own ideas about what children like and dislike.

A German child will certainly react with rejection when they are served spicy dishes ; in other countries on earth, spicy spices are part of everyday life in children’s nutrition.

So child nutrition looks different everywhere, but has the same two main goals in every culture:

  • to provide the children with all the necessary nutrients and
  • teach them healthy eating habits.

We are sure that the second point in particular will work with a few parents in such a way that nutritionists would also put a “tick” on your form of child nutrition. That’s why we ‘ve tracked down the 7 most popular mistakes in child nutrition for you:

Child nutrition

Insufficient breakfast

Yes, it’s hectic in the morning and yes, you don’t need anything yourself in the morning – or claim that you can’t eat anything. But your own eating habits are only trained and everyone can learn to eat breakfast. The sooner you teach your children, the better it is for them – and, ultimately, for you too.

Because breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should be balanced so as not to start the day off right with a nutrient deficit.

A healthy breakfast does not contain colorful or sugary breakfast cereals, but rather bread or cereal flakes, plus a sugar-free dairy product, a piece of fruit and a sugar-free drink.

No meal routine

If you eat without set times yourself, your child will not be able to learn that either. Constant eating through several small meals a day leads to insulin fattening and thus to obesity. Would you like to teach this requirement to your child? Certainly not!

Sit down to eat at fixed times. These are based on your child’s schedule or your working hours, but don’t teach your child to eat at some point, “between the door and the hinge”.

Fixed meal times create routine and train healthy eating habits.

healthy child nutrition

Portions too big

Adults often make the mistake of overfilling their children’s plates. With this you raise your child with large amounts of food, because after all they should eat up too, right?

There are children’s plates with a smaller diameter for a reason. If you use this, even a small amount looks like a lot and you don’t scoop too much on your junior’s plate.

Too many finished products in child nutrition

Ready-made products have no place in a healthy diet. Regardless of whether it is child nutrition or your own food.

“Fixed products”, frozen meals, ready meals and canned meals are really only allowed on the table in exceptional cases because they are full of industrial products.

Learn how to cook healthy food without such industrial foods. Firstly, it is healthier, secondly, it tastes better and, thirdly, it helps your child learn what healthy eating is while watching. And that has nothing to do with tearing open bags …

Sweets are bad at feeding children

Reward with unhealthy foods

How often have you rewarded your child with sweets or “blackmailed” them? Look for alternatives! A reward doesn’t always have to be something edible.

You don’t even have to reward something material, you can perhaps issue vouchers: for an excursion, a game, a special experience, …

Bone growth through healthy eating

Shoo the children out of the kitchen

Of course, kids can be a pain in the kitchen. But shooing them out of the kitchen also means denying them access to food. Not by watching to convey to them that food is prepared and not bought ready-made.

Include your children in cooking from a very young age: they can wash vegetables, stir soup, chop fruit, weigh ingredients, set the table, fold napkins …

The sooner you involve them, the sooner you can leave simple tasks to them on their own responsibility and thus also strengthen their self-confidence.

Offer little variety in child nutrition

The taste buds of children should have new experiences and be able to differentiate between different flavors. If you always cook the same food, use the same spices forever, then you only encourage your child to complain about someone else’s food.

Try new spices, vegetables and fruits together, dare to try new recipes.

Visits the Thai snack bar, goes to the Chinese buffet and other more exotic restaurants, so that your child gets to know the variety of flavors of the world instead of being served the same mash of everyday cuisine.

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