6 Reasons Why Crying Is Good For You

After crying you feel more relaxed. Your body releases cortisol through the tears. It produces endorphins as well as natural pain relievers. There are several reasons why crying is good for you.

6 reasons why crying is good for you

What exactly is crying? It is a perfectly normal expression of human emotions. In fact, it’s your body’s response to a difficult situation. This takes place on a physical, mental, emotional and social level at the same time. From a scientific point of view, crying is good and healthy for you because your tears allow your body to release certain hormones that could otherwise throw you off balance.

The flow of tears is necessary to keep your eyes healthy:

  • Tears promote both visual and metabolic functions in your eyes. They also provide the necessary humidification.
  • They also cleanse your eyes of foreign objects or other irritants that may have accumulated in or around your eyes.
  • By doing this, tears protect your eyes from microbial infections.

For these reasons, suppressing your feelings is not a good idea, as doing so could cause long-term harm to your body.

Holding back your tears can cause uncomfortable cramps in your muscles, stomach and intestinal cramps, and even narrowing of your blood vessels.

Why is crying good for you?

Crying and laughing are equally important to your health and wellbeing. Both emotions support you in releasing positive energies and letting go of negative energies.

This process is very important in order to keep your emotional balance. When you cry, your body releases adrenaline and noradrenaline. These are hormones that put your body in a relaxed and calm state.

Ocytocin is another hormone that makes you feel calm. This is why you feel peaceful after crying and feel calmer and more free overall. You’re refreshed and cleansed like you’ve just come out of the shower.

1. Crying releases tension and stress

Tears - cry well

You can cry because you are very happy or you can cry when you are deeply sad. Either way, crying is good, and your tears are triggered by your emotions.

When you are very worried or stressed, you can usually no longer think clearly.

Crying will give you quick relief as your body pours large amounts of adrenocorticotropin with your tears. This hormone secretes cortisol and corticosterone, which are two other hormones your body makes when you are under a lot of stress.

Furthermore, crying promotes the production of prolactin and leucine. These are two natural pain relievers.

In short, crying is a chemical reaction in your body that causes stress and pain to be relieved more quickly. In addition, crying tenses your facial muscles and the corners of your eyes.

This will allow enough blood to get into the lining of your eyes and supply them with moisture. So you see that crying is good for you and your overall well-being.

2. Tears moisten your eyes

There are other types of tears. They are not caused by your feelings.

  • Here one speaks of basal tears, they arise regardless of your current emotional state. They are formed in your lacrimal glands, enter the eye, and then wash out of the eye as tears.

This process is to protect your eyes and it will remove foreign objects such as dust and dirt particles. In addition, the tears moisten your eyes and supply the cornea with oxygen. This will also improve your eyesight.

  • The same thing happens when so-called reflex tears form. These occur when a foreign object gets into your eye. Reflex tears are often produced in large quantities because they contain antibodies that protect your eye from germs and viruses.

3. Crying improves your mood

bad vibes - cry well

As soon as tears start to form in your eyes, the trace element manganese is released.

If you have too much manganese in your body, this excess can lead to irritability, fatigue, depression or even anxiety disorders.

At the same time, crying also stimulates endorphin production in your body. Endorphins keep you in a good mood. This makes crying good for your general mood.

4. Crying helps you deal with grief

When you have to deal with grief and grief, crying can help you well. The tears make it easier for you to express your current vulnerability, which in turn improves communication with other people.

You can let go of negative feelings by crying. So you can relax again. This is the first step in coming to terms with grief and grief. As you slowly improve your mood, it creates a feeling of well-being. 

5. You can feel compassion through crying

Hug - cry well

When someone close to you cries, it is easier for you to put yourself in their position. This means that you will automatically be more sensitive to this person and thus be able to support them better.

Empathy creates an emotional connection between people. The intensity of the personal bond is strengthened. You can also observe what this situation does to you. What are the positive and negative effects on your own well-being? Are there possibly hidden and repressed feelings within yourself that are triggered by this situation? 

6. Crying is a natural pain reliever

Another positive effect of crying is that your tears are a natural pain reliever. This is how crying is good and helpful when you have very strong emotions that can sometimes actually cause physical pain.

There are times when it is perfectly normal for you to cry very hard. For example, after the death of a loved one. Your heart beats faster, pumps more blood around your body, and you cry very hard in such situations. Most of the time, it’s hard to calm down and understandably feel inconsolable.

However, if you not only have to cry very hard, but also observe one or more of the following symptoms, then you should watch yourself carefully:

  • Difficulty sleeping or even insomnia
  • You can’t eat anything anymore
  • Weight loss
  • You feel listless and apathetic
  • You have thoughts of suicide

In these cases, you should definitely see a doctor. It could be that these symptoms are a sign that you have a serious mental health problem that you should seek treatment.

How can you cry so that crying is healthy for you?

Crying - crying well
  • Don’t take it all that hard and try to laugh at yourself more often.
  • Try not to take all problems too seriously and avoid dramatic situations whenever possible.
  • Learn to see life with a lot of humor.
  • Do things that put you in a good mood as often as possible: read, sing, dance or go to the cinema again.
  • Reflect on each difficult situation for you and try to find out what exactly made you so stressed about it. So you can find out how you can master them better in the future.
  • It is particularly important that you do not suppress your feelings. Express them and say clearly if you don’t want something.

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