5 Questions To Show You The Way When You Feel Lost

When you feel lost, it is essential to know what you are willing to do without and which things are important on your way. You need to be aware of the price you want to pay for your dreams.

5 questions to show you the way when you feel lost

How are you feeling today? As you read this post, you may feel lost and confused, or you may have recently seen yourself in this situation. How do you find the right way ?

It doesn’t happen that seldom.

We all struggle to find the north at some point  in life. This can happen even if you have the best family, best friends, and a dream job.

If you find yourself in this situation, the first thing you should admit is this. Perhaps the time has come to slow down a little and realize that you are forgetting the most important thing in life: that is yourself.
Answer these questions honestly when you feel lost and find a way to move forward.

1. How can I bring more happiness and fun into my life?


One of the reasons you feel lost, even when you have it all, could be because you focus on fulfilling commitments that others ask you to do.

This is not negative as long as  you do not lose sight of the fact that there should be happiness and fun in your life too.

Before you think about all the things you could change, you should figure out how you can be a little happier. Sometimes we are not aware of it.

Think of  the simple things that will change your mood with minimal effort. 

The possibilities are endless. But what exactly works for you, what is funny and entertaining for you, can only be determined by yourself. So think about what will make you smile.

2. What price are you willing to pay to take a different path and not fulfill your dream?

woman-don't-know-which-to take away

If you feel lost because you are working hard on a project or dream that suddenly seems impossible, there is a high risk of simply throwing it all out.

Before you take this step, however, it is important to pause and think about what exactly will happen when you really do this.

We do not mean by this that one has to pursue a goal to the end under all circumstances. On the contrary: if you don’t feel like it anymore, it is a correct decision to stop.

However, you should ask yourself the question and be aware of what the task of the project means for you. 

Analyze exactly what price you would have to pay if you gave up on your dream. Sometimes it just results in stress and tension, but in other cases relationships or the job can also be at stake.

Only you can decide, assess the consequences and prepare for what is to come. 

3. What price are you willing to pay to achieve the dream or goal?

This question complements the previous one and should always be at the beginning whenever you feel lost.

Sometimes pursuit of a goal or a dream just means stress and fatigue,  as well as difficult decisions that you do not wish for.

In this case, it’s a good idea to weigh the pros and cons to decide whether or not it’s worth going on.

During this analysis, you should be as objective as possible and also think about how your decision affects friends, family and fellow human beings.

While you should make all the decisions yourself,  it is better to be aware of the consequences that can result.  Think about it carefully and take your time.

4. How can I develop into a better person?

Perhaps it is because your actions are inconsistent with your values ​​that you feel lost.

Perhaps you have lied to yourself about certain decisions, or by acting in a certain way that is now harming you.

And maybe you have focused too much on yourself and your desires and forgot about the rest of the world.

Then think about how you can make yourself a better person. Everything is worthwhile as long as it arises within you and is good for you and others.

You are sure to find a variety of options that you can use.

5. How do I feel about myself?


This question can be very complex when you are feeling lost or lost along the way. But it is also the key to finding the path that you should go. 

For a moment, forget about your feelings about what you should do and also about other people’s opinions.

When you ask yourself this question, focus solely on yourself. Do you feel proud of what you do? Do you think you can be helpful to others?

If something inside tells you that you are not doing the right thing in your life, you will no doubt feel bad about the results, even if you try to lie to yourself.

These five questions will make it easier for you to find the right path to follow.

You just need a little patience  because even if the questions seem simple, they will force you to do an in-depth self-analysis that will take time.

Most importantly, you should be honest with yourself and not judge yourself. Listen and understand what you want.

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