5 Juices That Could Be Effective Against Kidney Stones

These juices are a natural alternative to rid the body of toxins. They help with kidney stones and prevent infections

5 juices that may be effective for kidney stones

Our kidneys perform indispensable tasks for the organism, they clean the blood of toxins and metabolic end products, which are then excreted in the urine. There are juices  that can help against kidney stones.

This makes them a central point of our health, which is why we should keep them healthy.

Kidney stones have different causes. Other diseases can promote the development of kidney stones, as can an inadequate diet.

These factors mean that the kidneys cannot work properly and are no longer able to effectively remove certain substances.

Minerals accumulate in the kidneys in crystalline form, grow into kidney stones, sometimes cause severe pain and can obstruct the urinary tract.

There are a number of medical measures available today that can effectively remove kidney stones. However, they are not pleasant, nor are they free from side effects, and ideally we do not need to use them.

Everyone can naturally prevent kidney stones from developing and stimulate the elimination of small, existing kidney stones. The natural juices presented below are an excellent alternative.

Juice made from grapefruit and aloe vera against kidney stones


This recipe was published in 2003 in The Science Principles and Practices of Herbal Medicine  as a remedy that can stimulate blood cleansing, kidney function, and the elimination of kidney stones.


  • Aloe vera gel
  • ½ glass of grapefruit juice (100 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)

How is the juice prepared?

Mix the gel obtained from the aloe vera stalk with the grapefruit juice and then put the mixture in the blender. After beating them for a few minutes, then add the honey.

Mango, honeydew melon, orange and grapefruit juice

Juice_Honey Melon_Grapefruit_Weight

The four fruits used for this juice give it a powerful detoxifying and antioxidant effect, which support the elimination of toxins and kidney stones.


  • ½ mango
  • 1 orange
  • 1 grapefruit
  • ¼ honeydew melon

How is the juice prepared?

After you have washed the fruit well, remove the skin and seeds from all fruit. The peel would then give your juice an unnecessary, bitter taste.

When you’re ready, put all of the fruit in the blender and prepare the juice. Drink two glasses a day.

Carrot, apple, orange and cucumber juice


With the help of this combination you can then  cleanse your body, rid it of toxins and dissolve kidney stones.


  • 4 carrots
  • 2 apples
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 orange

How is the juice prepared?

All ingredients should then be washed and peeled well before using them. Then process them in a blender into a delicious juice in a few minutes. If this seems too thick to you, you can add some water.

In order to increase the effectiveness of this juice, it should then be drunk on an empty stomach.

Blueberry juice

This delicious juice is rich in antioxidants and antibacterial substances, including tannins, which can prevent bacterial colonization of kidney tissue.

The consumption of blueberry juice is recommended both for prophylaxis of urinary tract infections and for chronic kidney diseases such as kidney stones.


  • 1 cup blueberry juice (250 ml)
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice (15 ml)

How is the juice prepared?

Mix all the ingredients together and then drink this juice daily. In order to achieve even better results, you should also drink plenty of water.

Pineapple juice

Pineapple juice

Pineapple is known for its powerful cleansing and diuretic effects, with the help of which metabolic end products that accumulate in the body can be more easily excreted.

This juice enables the kidneys to be cleaned, prevents urinary stones and supports the elimination of existing crystals. Just consuming pineapple juice is already effective, but the following recipe will increase its health-promoting effects.


  • Pineapple in pieces
  • 1 cup of rice milk (250 ml)

How is the juice prepared?

Both ingredients are processed in the mixer until the desired consistency is achieved. If you want, you can add water as you like.

The consumption of these 5 juices supports you in the prophylaxis and therapy of kidney stones, promotes kidney function in general and thus helps to eliminate harmful substances.

To get all of the health benefits these juices have, you should drink them regularly.

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