4 Reasons Why Being The Black Sheep Isn’t Bad At All

Black sheep are mostly viewed as negative, but they know exactly what they want and that is an advantage.

4 reasons why being the black sheep isn't bad at all

The black sheep in a family is usually the person who has different views and attitudes than the others, although the term is usually negatively charged.

Black sheep are criticized for failing to adjust to the rest of the family, for being stubborn, reactionary and indomitable.

But the black sheep knows what it wants and this is certainly positive. This attitude is good for both physical and emotional health, regardless of what the “white sheep” think of it.

However, it is important to ensure that people live together comfortably and to respect other attitudes. If the opinion, criteria or feelings of others are suppressed, peaceful coexistence is not possible.

We invite you to think about it with us.

1. The black sheep fights for what it really wants to be


Our society uses a variety of mechanisms to hold us against the fact that all people should be equal.

Upbringing, fashion, ideals of beauty, technology, advertising, etc. all set strict guidelines that we obey to fit into the herd of white sheep.

  • Of course there are many things that are beautiful and pleasing, but when you pause and think about it, you first become aware of many aspects and can make your own judgment.
  • You will find that like Dolly the sheep, we have become clones in a herd.
  • We are taught that we should be what others expect us to be. We must be attentive and docile, always conforming to the expectations and templates of the family and society.
  • If you don’t conform, you will be forced into being a size 42 into size 36 pants.
  • However, those who have calmly assumed that they are a black sheep no longer suffer from social constraints.

They accept themselves for who they are and fight for it, without contradiction or hypocrisy.

2. Free yourself and rebel if necessary


In order to no longer belong to this herd of cloned sheep, you should try  to recognize and define the real  you and to become aware of what actually makes you happy.

  • As soon as your inner beauty emerges, you have to defend it. Rebel against those who want to impose their values ​​and attitudes on you.
  • Stay in tune with your being and your identity, if  you don’t like something, don’t let yourself be forced to do so.

We are all aware and have an alert system that prepares us to be harmed by someone.

You should never close your eyes to contempt, destructive and harmful criticism, an offense or an action that violates your values.

3. The satisfaction of inner balance and personal dignity

Few things are as healthy and beneficial as falling asleep in the evening with a clear conscience.

However, many people wallow in bed with problems and suffer from insomnia as a result.

  • Anyone who acts against their own principles and only to the satisfaction of others has a heavy sleep.
  • Always withholding the truth just so as not to offend others, exhausted and frustrated, this only leads to unhappiness.
  • People who strive to be white sheep in order to be accepted by their fellow human beings are neglecting something very important: themselves. This is unnecessary torment.

Why do you keep feeding your unhappiness? Be free and act with respect for yourself and others.

Your dignity is very important: act according to your principles, keep your promises and do not suppress your feelings.

4. You are not a programmable robot: learn to be free


“Learn to be free” or “Freedom makes us happy” are statements that are easier said than done. How can we put this advice into practice?

The term freedom is relative. Everyone has social and personal obligations, we all have to accept and follow certain rules.

Yet within these limits there are many avenues that will help discover that true freedom does indeed exist.

  • You are free to express what you want or not in your life and who you love or not.
  • At the same time, those around you are just as free to accept this or not. Even if you are the black sheep in the family, the rest of the family should accept you.
  • If they don’t, then this is not your problem, it is your family’s problem.
  • You can defend yourself from those who want to control or oppress you. You are not a callous robot, nor are you a machine capable of accepting or obeying all instructions.

Learn to set boundaries and protect your personal and emotional dignity. To be the black sheep is not a crime. It is a special right to be unique as you are.

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