3 Shakes For Good Nutrition And Cleansing Of The Liver

In order to protect our liver, we should not only pay attention to a balanced diet and regular consumption of detoxifying foods, but also habits such as the consumption of tobacco and Avoid alcohol and long periods of sitting

3 shakes for good nutrition and cleansing the liver

The liver is one of our largest organs and it does so many jobs that we couldn’t even describe it in one article. The liver cleanses, synthesizes, stores, and breaks down the blood. It is the central metabolic organ. Here we introduce you to 3 shakes.

Perhaps it can best be imagined as a complex laboratory in which people are busy working everywhere. Or like the main train station in the next larger city, without which the infrastructure there would collapse.

A large number of proteins are synthesized in the liver, vitamins, minerals such as iron, but also energy are stored here.

The liver detoxifies and frees our organism from all the substances that pollute it, from toxins and heavy metals, for example.

On the one hand, metabolic end products and pollutants from the periphery are continuously fed to the liver; on the other hand, everything that is absorbed in the intestine must first pass the liver checkpoint before it can enter the body.

We couldn’t exist without a liver, and it really deserves our attention and care to protect it. It starts with paying attention to how we eat.

Habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol mainly affect the liver, and many medications also have side effects that stress the liver.

Today we would like to introduce you to  3 shakes that provide your liver with many important nutrients and can cleanse it. Which one do you want to try today?

1. Beetroot and lemon shakes


Why is this of the 3 shakes good for my liver?

Beetroot is an excellent food when it comes to supporting and optimizing liver function. Thanks to its diverse ingredients, beetroot can also regulate blood pressure and bring the electrolyte balance into balance.

The intense red color of the beetroot suggests that we are looking at a rich source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are essential for the regeneration of the liver.

It is similar with the lemon. The consumption of lemon allows us to alkalize the body and as you probably already know, this contributes a lot to your health.

The vitamin C contained in lemon and its minerals give the liver the extra strength it needs to rid the blood of toxins.


  • 1 beetroot
  • Juice of one lemon
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • First of all, the boiled beetroot needs to be washed well. Then it can be cut into small pieces so that we can process it better in the blender.
  • Now all you have to do is put all the ingredients in the blender, including the lemon juice and the water. Process them into a homogeneous, wonderfully red-colored drink and best drink this in the morning. Enojy your meal!

2. Shakes made from celery and parsley

Celery and parsley for the liver

Why is this of the 3 shakes good for my liver?

You may have heard of parsley being a food that can be used to naturally cleanse the liver and kidneys.

Parsley is rich in vitamins A and C, minerals such as magnesium and iron, which support the functioning of these important organs.

In fact, most fruits, vegetables and plants that have a sour or bitter taste are good for liver health. Artichokes and cabbage are such foods and they are also very healthy.

Even celery is a great medicinal plant. If you’re a real celery fan, you probably already know that celery can be used to make countless mixed drinks that you can use to hydrate yourself and do something for your health. Celery provides minerals and has a diuretic effect.

Drinking these 3 shakes provides our body with fluids that we generally tend to lack rather than too much and the nutrients it needs to effectively cleanse the liver.

Now let’s continue with the recipe.


  • 1 teaspoon parsley (5 g)
  • 1 stick of celery
  • a cucumber
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • We’ll start here too by thoroughly cleaning all of the ingredients. When that’s done then we cut them all into small pieces, which makes it easier to prepare the juice.
  • Then, add parsley, celery, cucumber, and water to the blender and blend them into an extremely healthy green shake that your liver will be grateful for. Do you feel like going green today?

3. Carrot, apple and radish juice

Radishes for a healthy liver

Why is this one of the 3 shakes for my liver?

Radishes are a natural detoxifier and at the same time help to increase the oxygen saturation of the blood. Enzymes are responsible for the liver cleansing effect that we give our body when we eat the radishes.

Incidentally, radishes are also great in salads!

For this recipe we will also need an apple and a carrot. This effective combination, rich in vitamins and minerals, strengthens the liver cells and makes it easier for them to rid the blood of toxins and fats.

If the liver is not overloaded with this task, it can also perform its other functions better.

The apple is particularly interesting here because it can also stimulate the absorption of cholesterol from the blood. Carrots provide us with energy and strengthen our immune system. An interesting and delicious combination!


  • 2 radishes
  • 1 green apple
  • a carrot
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Before using them, you need to wash fruits and vegetables well. The apple is not peeled, by the way, so that we can also use the apple peel, because it contains pectin, an active ingredient that is very beneficial for the liver.
  • Cut all the ingredients into small pieces and then add them to the blender with the water, where you mix them into a homogeneous drink. This shake has a slightly spicy taste, which gives it a special note. It’s worth starting the day with this drink.

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