10 Reasons Why Yoga Is Ideal For Obese People

Of course there are some positions that obese people find a little more difficult, but yoga can be of great benefit both physically and psychologically.

10 reasons why yoga is ideal for obese people

If you have clicked on this article, then you are definitely interested in this Indian tradition, but you believe that yoga is not possible for overweight people. But you’re wrong! Because it helps burn calories and relieves nervousness, yoga is especially good for those who are overweight .

Many celebrities swear by the effects of yoga. The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, has even made it his business to promote this discipline now as a state matter. In this way, the inhabitants of his country can derive daily benefit from it.

The politician even shared a series of videos showing an animated version of himself in various yoga positions. He emphasizes that yoga is a healthy choice for everyone.

1. Improved breathing

Yoga could help you breathe better and more consciously. Combined with a little fitness and a healthy diet, this will help you burn fat more easily.

By living a more conscious and calmer life, you also enable your body to absorb nutrients more efficiently. This means that the organs function better and avoids deficiency symptoms.

2. Increased security and self-confidence

Yoga is great for starting a more active lifestyle. Yoga is particularly suitable for overweight people, as it also helps to create more security and better self-confidence.

Both the physical and mental progress that you make in yoga are important. They help you to a new perception of yourself and how you deal with your everyday life.

You get more body control and can improve your quality of life through physical activity.

3. Fights depression

Depressed woman with scales in her arms

Overweight people can suffer from low self-esteem. This puts them at risk of suffering from depression. This is due to the insecurity they feel about their body and appearance.

Yoga is useful for combating mild depression. It is also a way to ponder, meditate, gain confidence, and lead an active life.

4. Relieves stress

The constant breathing and reflection exercises that are important in the yoga postures will help you relieve stress and relax. You concentrate on your physical and mental well-being and have a clear goal.

Cortisol levels decrease remarkably if one devotes a while to meditation and deep breathing every day. If you constantly fill your lungs with fresh air, this will help you make decisions and cope with daily challenges.

5. Reduces physical discomfort

Practicing yoga regularly can reduce headaches, blood pressure, insomnia and fatigue.

This is because more oxygen enters the brain and toxins are expelled through deep, gentle breathing.

If you stick to yoga, you will soon feel like participating in other physical activities. They will then also help you to get rid of excess weight.

You get more energy and motivation to eat healthily and develop healthy habits as well.

6. You notice gradual changes

Neither your weight nor your waist circumference is important as it will not prevent you from doing this activity. During yoga training, you mustn’t ask more of your body than it can give.

You can create more difficult positions after a while when your body has gained flexibility and confidence.

In this discipline, one progresses slowly until one has reached the highest level of strength, flexibility, and balance. This is why yoga is particularly beneficial for overweight people.

You only notice the changes slowly and that’s a good thing so that you don’t feel overwhelmed, but get used to them.

7. Activity that does not overwhelm the body

Yoga is a great addition to a healthy lifestyle, but it doesn’t require drastic changes. As you develop, the positions also become more difficult.

While there are positions for beginners, the teachers perform variations depending on the physical condition of the students. This allows you to start at the level that is appropriate for you and you do not need to frustrate yourself with difficult positions.

It is also up to you how much time you want to spend on this activity.

8. Yoga affects the endocrine system

Every yoga position affects a certain part of the body on a muscular, nervous and hormonal level. For example, there are some recommended for thyroid problems.

If your obesity is due to hormonal imbalances, yoga could be a good strategy to combat it. In this case, you should first find out more from a specialist about which exercises are suitable for you and your illness.

9. Combats feelings of fear

We have already mentioned the spiritual and relaxing benefits of yoga. Therefore, it is believed that this activity can reduce feelings of anxiety. All thanks to the deep breathing and meditation that it requires.

The effects of yoga will help you focus better on your physical activity. This reduces the constant appetite. Yoga even contributes to a healthy diet!

10. It helps you achieve your goals

Yoga is an ideal activity to lose weight and achieve greater physical well-being. It’s not just about physical fitness, it’s also about the mind because it strengthens your willpower.

In yoga, you experience moments of concentration and meditation that motivate you to keep going. It also teaches you patience in order to achieve your goals.

Which yoga postures are recommended for overweight people?

Yoga at sunrise

Yoga can help you become more stretchy, strengthen your muscles, breathe properly, and generally feel better.

Yoga is recommended for overweight people because you can achieve results without having to do high-performance sports.

Lose a few pounds in the following positions:

  • Savasana  (dead pose): This is a relaxation position that helps calm your mind and body.
  • Sarvangasana ( candle): regulates the metabolism and stimulates the thyroid. Strengthens and shapes back and leg muscles. Improves blood circulation, cleanses the blood and acts against constipation.
  • Viparita Karani Mudra (shoulder stand ). Has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland and improves circulation problems. Teaches security and emotional self-control.
  • Matsyasana  (fish): Supports the regulation of the thyroid gland. Also has effects on the pituitary, adrenal and pineal glands.
  • Halasana  (plow): Helps you reduce belly fat. Also supports the regulation of the thyroid, liver and spleen.
  • Bhujanghasana  (cobra): regulates adrenal glands and thyroid. Firms and stimulates the abdominal muscles. Strengthens the spine and strengthens the gluteal muscles.

Which positions should I avoid?

You shouldn’t try positions that your body isn’t prepared for. This includes those in which the entire body weight is supported by only one part. Some positions in which you bend forward, such as  padahastasana  or  balasana, could make it difficult for you to breathe.

Regular physical activity like yoga will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. The reason yoga is ideal for obese people is because it improves physical and mental health.

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