10 Benefits Of Drinking Water On An Empty Stomach

A glass of water on an empty stomach is an excellent way to get rid of the toxins that have built up. 

10 benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach

Water on an empty stomach is one of the best and easiest habits for promoting health and wellbeing. Immediately after getting up is the best time to supply the organism with fresh water.

During the night, important functions for cell renewal and cleansing of the body are carried out. Pollutants are then ready to be discharged in the morning. A glass of water on an empty stomach is therefore an excellent way to  remove the accumulated toxins. 

Many people prefer other drinks as soon as they get up, but water is the best for health. Then you will learn 10 important advantages that you can benefit from every day. 

Good for the skin


Consuming water on an empty stomach promotes skin health and beauty. The body needs fluids to start the day well.

The  skin cells are strengthened, pollutants are excreted, elasticity is improved and wrinkle formation is delayed. In short: the skin stays young and supple longer.

Water as a diuretic

In order to get rid of harmful substances and residues from the kidneys, it is very important to supply the body with sufficient quantities. On an empty stomach, it cleanses the kidneys particularly well  and promotes the excretion of toxins in the urine.

Fluid for the lymphatic system

The activity of the lymphatic system is heavily dependent on the water balance. If there is enough, adrenal fatigue can be prevented. This is responsible for the production of cortisol, which in turn is important for coping with stress.

Better digestion

stomach upset

If you drink immediately after getting up, the digestive system is stimulated, the elimination of harmful substances is promoted and the bowel movement is also improved. In this way, the intestine is optimally prepared to absorb and digest new food.

Accelerated metabolism

Consumption is crucial for the correct functioning of the kidney system,  which is responsible for using fat as energy and not as reserves.

When there is a lack of water, this task is only carried out by the liver, which can lead to liver problems and a slowed metabolism.

Better physical performance

Water is also needed for lubrication of the joints as well as muscles and ligaments. It is therefore advisable to supply the body with sufficient water in the morning. This is how you start the day with energy.

When exercising, it is advisable to drink more to  make up for the losses during exercise.

Preventive against urinary tract infections

urinary tract infection

Anyone who drinks a lot can use it to prevent urinary tract infections (e.g. cystitis). However, when there is a lack of water, the kidneys suffer. The  risk of various infections increases. 

Against fluid retention

Many suffer from fluid retention, which is often caused by too much salt in the food and other nutritional errors.

Drinking water on an empty stomach can help  drain excess fluids,  which in turn helps reduce swelling and prevent disease.

Against various complaints

It can  relieve various ailments: arthritis, heart ailments  (e.g. tachycardia), asthma, bronchitis, kidney disorders, constipation, premenstrual syndrome, migraines, etc.

Regulates body temperature

On an empty stomach, it helps regulate body temperature and improves the transport of nutrients and oxygen to the cells.

Do not forget…

  • The benefits on an empty stomach are numerous and clear. But that’s not enough: you should drink at least two liters of water at different times of the day during the day in order to benefit from all the advantages.
  • But too much of a good thing is not healthy either, which could overload the kidneys, which could have negative consequences. Even if water is vital,  an excess is not recommended.
  • You can calculate the exact amount of water you need with the following formula. Your weight (in kg) divided by 30 = liters of water that you should drink every day. For example, if you weigh 60 kg, you should drink about 2 liters of water a day.

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